How to Spot a Fake Online Degree Program


Online degree programs are great, but they can also be a scam. If you’re considering an online degree program, whether it’s through a university or another school, it’s important to make sure that the school is legitimate and that your diploma will be worth something when it comes time to apply for jobs.

Here are some tips for spotting fake online degrees.

Fake Online Degree Programs are Everywhere

The good news is that there are many diploma mills out there. The bad news is that they can be hard to spot and distinguish from legitimate degree programs.

The best way to avoid being scammed is by verifying the school’s reputation before enrolling in any online course or program. This will help you avoid paying for an expensive degree that doesn’t exist, and it will also give you peace of mind knowing what kind of institution is behind the classroom door.

Check the Credentials of Any School You’re Considering

Not all online degree programs are scams but it’s important to check the credentials of any school you’re considering. The first thing to look for is accreditation from a recognized authority.

If a school has this, then you know that its graduates will be able to get jobs and make money in their field. Check with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) or other consumer protection agencies. They may have some tips on checking out online schools before enrolling in one yourself.

Check To Find Out if the College Or University is Properly Accredited

The best way to know if a college is properly accredited is to check with the school’s accreditation agency. This can be done through your state’s education department or other official body that oversees higher education institutions.

If you find out that the institution isn’t properly accredited, don’t enroll!

A Diploma Mill Can Be Hard For Students To See Through

The first thing to look for when you’re looking at a diploma mill is that it’s not accredited by any recognized agency. This means that the school has no academic requirements, and can issue degrees without any actual education or training.

A diploma mill may be an unaccredited college or university with an “accreditor” who approved its claim of quality, but this doesn’t mean they actually have an accredited program or campus.

In many cases, these are simply diploma factories set up by con artists who have no intention of offering real academic programs but instead want to fool investors into thinking they have access to legitimate education opportunities.

A good way to spot whether your school is legitimate or not is by checking out their accreditation status on the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) website.

Look For these Signs that You May Be Dealing With a Diploma Mill

If the school is not accredited by a reputable agency, that’s a red flag. There are two main accrediting organizations: The Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC) and the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC).

  • Look at the student-to-teacher ratio at each school before enrolling there; if there are more students than teachers in any classroom then that means something might not be right about this particular institution (or perhaps no instructors exist?)
  • Also, check out how many credits are required for graduation from each program offered by this university or college/university; if these numbers seem too high then maybe it’s worth doing some research into whether this diploma mill really exists.

Students who make their way through a diploma mill often end up with an expensive piece of paper instead of a degree. The diploma mills may offer some kind of degree, but it’s no substitute for the real thing.

Also, if you’re considering going to one of these schools, keep in mind that they’re not accredited by any organization or government agency and therefore aren’t recognized as legitimate educational institutions by employers or graduate schools—which makes them even less desirable than a regular college program.


If you’re not sure if the school is legit, it’s always a good idea to check out their programs and credentials. If there are any red flags then run away as fast as possible!

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